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Wine tasting Rule#1 Look for a clean glass

I was attending a wine tasting in Hoxton, Shoreditch, it was a small room and pack of people inside, but first thing first, if there is someone you know say hi to them first because the industry is such a small world if not I recommend you grab a glass and start tasting good wines.#know what you are pouring or they pour for you# look at the density of the wine(full/light body wine) #swirl it#smell it (can you name the smell like apple, pear, or passion fruit, strawberry, leather, etc or smell bad that you won't like to drink it)#taste it #feedback (would it taste the same as what you named or different ).

Wine tasting is an adventurous game, it will broadening your palate, stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new wines. Have fun.......:)

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